If you are searching for great recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Roomaid Amaircare HEPA Air Purifier W/VOC Filter, BLACK is our recommendation. There are a lot of good opinions about this product, Roomaid Amaircare HEPA Air Purifier W/VOC Filter, BLACK completed with many features making it amazing product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
Price: $179.00
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Product Description
Roomaid HEPA Air Filter with VOC Use the Amaircare Roomaid HEPA Air Filtration System Model # AC-1302P - Black with VOC canister for small spaces where volatile organic chemicals like that "new car smell" are an issue. Get clean air in small rooms or in your car or mini-home using this Amaircare Roomaid portable HEPA air purifier. The HEPA filter removes allergens such as dust, smoke, pollen, animal dander, and mold, and the activated carbon filter removes Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), auto exhaust, and other noxious fumes and odors. Note: Item is returnable only for replacement if defective due to mechanical issues. Roomaid HEPA Air Filtration System With VOC Features: HEPA Filter lasts two to five years and removes 99.97% of particulate matter. Activated Carbon Filter lasts six months to a year and removes odors and fumes. Optional Auto Adapter Kit allows you to strap the Roomaid air purifier into your car, truck, or RV and plug it into the cigarette lighter and avoid toxic VOC emissions from automobiles. Optional VOC Canister Upgrade for heavy duty removal of chemicals and odors. Energy efficient, affordable, and quiet. Lightweight and portable at only five pounds. Perfect for automobiles, offices, hotel rooms, business trips, and vacations. Integrated Seals at the top and bottom of the Roomaid prevent leaks and ensure that all air gets cleaned. The Roomaid features a contemporary look and a baked enamel finish that is more durable than plastic. Comes with Two Washable Pre-Filters to capture large particles. Optional Annual Filter Kit contains two foam pre-filters and three activated carbon filters. Roomaid HEPA Air Filtration System with VOC Specifications: Class: Portable HEPA Filtration System Delivered Airflow: 20-40 CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) Dimensions: 8.5" round, 7.5" high Product Weight (lbs): 6 lbs Control: 3 position, 2 speed switch Power Consumption: 4.5 watts Outflow: 360 degrees Colors: White, Black and Sandstone Note: Item is
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