If you're trying to find best recommended product with lowest price and better quality, then MicroLux ML1500D 1500 Watt Rolling Flames Heater with Air Purifier is our recommendation for you. There are many good opinions about this product, MicroLux ML1500D 1500 Watt Rolling Flames Heater with Air Purifier completed with lots of features making it great product. If you need to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.
Price: $229.99
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Product Details |
Product Description
MicroLux Rolling Flames Portable Fireplace Heater is the Hottest addition to every home! It boasts a powerful 1500 Watt Operation to warm even the chilliest of rooms. The Rolling Flames function displays a fire-like background that stands out and really sets this unit apart while providing that subtle, comforting, orange glow reminiscent of late evening fires. It allows you to bring that feeling to your apartment, dorm or office. The ML1500 Series Heater not only features 4 modes of operations, it also implements a 5-Stage Air Purifier to it. This ensures that only Clean, Fresh Air is distributed from this Portable Fireplace. ETL Approval as well as Automatic Shut-off in the event of Overheating makes this unit Safe for any application.
Heating Capability of 1500 Watts to Warm Mid-Size Rooms Rapidly.Realistic Rolling Flames Design Can Be Turned On or Off.
Air Purifying Function Allows for Fresh, Contaminant Free Air to be Dispersed.
4 Modes of Operation: (1) High Heat (2) Low Heat (3) E-Saver (4) Purify Only.
Temperature Range: 40 - 86 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Timer Allows Unit to be Shutoff in 30 Minute Increments.
Safety Features Include Overheating Protection as well as ETL Approval.
Dimensions: 13.3" Long x 10.6" Wide x 18.8 High.Heavy Duty ABS Fire Retardant Construction.
Maximum Rated Power: 1500 Watts.
Accuracy +/- 2 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Negative Ions Output: 6.0 x 10(6) ions/cm3.
UV Light: 253um UV Wavelength.
Power Requirements: 120 Volt - 60 Hz 10 Amp Power Source (3-Prong Plug).
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