If you are looking for great recommended product with best price and top quality, then Atlas 859456002300 9079 Model H HEPA Filter Air Purifier is our recommendation. There are a lot of positive reviews about this product, Atlas 859456002300 9079 Model H HEPA Filter Air Purifier completed with various features making it amazing product. If you wish to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
- Innovative - will enhance your well being.
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Product Description
Covers up to 1200 sq ft area and comes with washable pre-filter that catches large particles and pollutants. The twin HEPA filter removes dust, pollen, smoke and any other contaminants in the air. The HEPA filters help trap larger particles in the air that would otherwise be too strenuous for most filter systems. The Powerful UV germicidal lamp destroys micro-organisms such as germs, viruses, fungi (such as mold) and bacteria. The benefit of the four different filtration systems and two fan speeds help cover you from allergens, dust, and various contaminants in the air. The Negative ion generator outputs of 3 million/cc to neutralize floating dust and is suitable for bedrooms, offices, clubs and hotels. The Model H is very convenient with and a 1, 2, 4 and 8 hour timer. Light enough to be hung to a wall, and small enough to sit on your desk, this air purifier also comes with the convenience of a remote control to adjust setting from a distance.
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