If you are trying to find top recommended product with best price and better quality, then Austin Air Healthmate Plus Jr. Air Purifier for Chemical Sensitivities is our recommendation. There are a lot of positive opinions about this product, Austin Air Healthmate Plus Jr. Air Purifier for Chemical Sensitivities completed with various features making it the best product. If you need to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- 30 sq. ft. true HEPA medical filter medium - filter lasts up to 5 years
- Meets HEPA standards, trapping 99.97% of all particulates larger than 0.3 microns
- 6.5 lbs of solid activated carbon and zeolite for odor and gas removal
- 3 Speeds - 200cfm on high setting: cleans a room area of up to 700 ft
- Warranty: 5 years on all parts and labor
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can purchase these product with affordable price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product Information |
Product Description
The Austin Air HealthMate Jr.+ is the smaller version of the HealthMate+, the top Austin Air unit. Manufacturer rated for areas up to 700 sq feet. providing effective coverage for single rooms.
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