If you're searching for top recommended product with cheaper price and great quality, then SHARP Plasmacluster Air Ionizer IG-BA15 W White | Ideal for desktop (Japan Import) is our suggestion. There are a lot of positive opinions about this product, SHARP Plasmacluster Air Ionizer IG-BA15 W White | Ideal for desktop (Japan Import) completed with various features making it great product. If you wish to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
- The positive and negative ions, to clean the air of the room, "25 000 high concentration Plasmacluster"
- "65 mm diameter and 150 mm height, lower body" 350mL bottle size that can be placed easily in desktop
- Ion comes with a high concentration of "desktop louver" that reaches around the body on the desktop
- "Slim & lightweight" She has also worked in the hotel at the time of travel, such as desktop or place of employment
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with special offer. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product Information |
Product Description
Main features and functions of the main specifications: with high concentration Plasmacluster ion air purifying function Dimensions: 80mm diameter cylindrical top, 65mm bottom diameter, 150mm height when mounted (desktop louvers, 83mm top diameter, 155mm height mass): 0.34kg about (50/60Hz) except (AC adapter, desktop louver) Power consumption: 3.0W "strong" air volume, 1.9W "weak" air volume
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