If you are looking for best recommended product with cheaper price and great quality, then Germicidal Air Purifier - P600 (White) (21"H x 15"W x 15"D) is our suggestion. There are a lot of positive feedbacks about this product, Germicidal Air Purifier - P600 (White) (21"H x 15"W x 15"D) completed with various features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
- Color: White
- Size: 21"H x 15"W x 15"D
- Quiet 560 CFM Swiss Motor
- Pressure Seal for Maximum Efficiency
- Uses TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidation Reflector
Price: $1,571.40
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product Details |
Product Description
The P600 home air purifier with white finish has a powerful 560 CFM Swiss crafted motor that runs quietly and provides coverage up to 2000 square feet. This indoor air purifier delivers optimum filter efficiency by using a special pressure seal that eliminates bypassing of air in the system. Complete air purification is achieved through the use of a UV germicidal light working with a TiO2 coated TitanClean PCO reflector. The UV light creates a photochemical process by exciting the oxygen molecules, which then break down chemical gas vapors that are passing along. The Hepa works in conjunction with these processes to enhance the performance of this home air filtration system. With both technologies combined (PCO and activated carbon), complete chemical, odor, and gas purification is achieved. Cleanable pre-filter included. Enameled metal housing. Assembly level/degree of difficulty: No Assembly Required.
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