If you are searching for best recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Airpura Industries R600W Central Air Purifier For AllPurpose Filtration is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of positive opinions about this product, Airpura Industries R600W Central Air Purifier For AllPurpose Filtration completed with many features making it top product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Continuously provides clean air even when the central air system is turned off
- Cleans the air in areas up to 2000 square feet
- Easily installs into your central air system
- Efficient 560 CFM fan motor ensures no air pressure change takes place in your central system
- Provides safe, all-purpose air purification for homes, offices, and workshops
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You can get these product with best deal. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Information |
Product Description
When you need a constant supply of fresh, clean air in your home or workplace, a central air purification system is the answer.
The Airpura R600-W provides comprehensive air cleaning in huge areas up to 2000 square feet. Using a combination of warm-rolled, True HEPA and an amazing 18 pounds of activated carbon, the Airpura R600-W cleans and circulates air to control indoor pollutants and odors, dust mites, pollen, and VOCs. Because the system runs independently of your central air handling system, it continuously filters and recirculates your indoor air even when the central system is turned off.
All-steel construction with no plastic parts results in absolutely no off-gassing, making the Airpura R600-W central air purification system ideal for those suffering from allergies, asthma, or multiple chemical sensitivity. Variable speed controls allow you to choose the level of purification according to your indoor pollutant levels. The Airpura R600-W can also be installed in a variety of configurations to suit your purification needs.
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