If you are trying to find best recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Airpura Industries P600W Central Air Purifier Included UV light Carbon Filter are Great for Heavy Duty Filtration Including VOC's Bacteria is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of good opinions about this product, Airpura Industries P600W Central Air Purifier Included UV light Carbon Filter are Great for Heavy Duty Filtration Including VOC's Bacteria completed with plenty of features making it the best product. If you would like to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
- It's separate from central AC for continual cleaning
- A 2000 square feet radius provides your entire home or business with clean air
- Hooks up easily into your central air system
- 560 CFM fan motor keeps air pressure steady in your central air system
- Safe, bacteria, allergen and odor free is pumped throughout your home or workplace
Price: $1,649.98
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Details |
Product Description
Eliminate the need to buy multiple air purifiers for individual rooms by purchasing a quiet Central air purification system.
The Airpura P600-W is perfect for the home or office and covers up to 2000 square feet. It features complete air purification using TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidation technology. This air purifier can tackle VOC, (Volatile Organic Compounds), airborne chemicals, odors, particles and microorganisms. It has a 20 watt, 17 inch germicidal UV lamp that can eliminate almost double organic bacteria then that of other air purifier systems.
A 40 sq ft. HEPA filtration surface and 18lbs of carbon filter are included with the P600-W to leave your air breathable even to the most sensitive of breathers. HEPA is great for eliminating 99.97% of dirt, dander and other allergens from the air down to the 0.3 micron level. Its carbon filter captures odors leaving your air smelling great. It uses felt gaskets to prevent off gassing and is built from durable metal for durability. The motor is separated from the filter to keep the air and filter cleaner. If you want a heavy duty air purification system purchase the Airpura P600-W today.
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