If you are searching for top recommended product with best price and top quality, then Sunleaves DuraFilter, 8" Tall is our recommendation. There are many positive opinions about this product, Sunleaves DuraFilter, 8" Tall completed with many features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
Sunleaves DuraFilters keep the air in indoor gardens clean and fresh. Available in a variety of sizes, each filter contains a 2.5" pelletized carbon bed within a zinc-anodized steel housing. A pre-filter is also included, and all filters come with flanges attached. Each DuraFilter carries a one year warranty, and has about a 12 month life span. The 8" Tall Sunleaves DuraFilter is effective up to 1000 cfm, and has a diameter of 14.75" and a height of 32" including flange.
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