If you are trying to find great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then AllerAir 9450AH Air Handler System is our suggestion. There are a lot of positive reviews about this product, AllerAir 9450AH Air Handler System completed with many features making it great product. If you need to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Filter Size: Noise Level:
- Air Purifiers
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Product Description
The Aller Air 9450AH whole house HEPA and odor air purifier is for spaces up to 2,200 sq ft. The air handler filters a portion of your system's airflow with each cycle resulting in cleaning the indoor air of your home several times per hour. Features 99.7%, 2 HEPA filter, to capture respirable size particles, as small as 0.3 microns and 15 lbs of special carbon for adsorbing chemicals gases and odors. Also uses a 1 pleated, pre-filter and post filter to trap airborne particles. 8 standard in and out flange. Metal housing does not allow off-gasing that can make you ill. Dimensions [L/l/H] 16 /16 /19.75 Shipping weight 65 lbs. Carbon filter weight 15 lbs. Rated CFM: 735 CFM Recommended filter replacement schedule: Prefilters each 3 months HEPA filter each 5-7 years Carbon filter each 2-5 years. Includes the air purifier unit assembled with all filters inside, diffusers, flanges, and instruction manual. Unit does not include ducting hoses. We recommend this product be installed by a certified HVAC installer. Air Purifiers 9450AH
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