If you're searching for great recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then Airpura P600 Air Purifier with TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidizer - CREAM Color is our recommendation for you. There are many great reviews about this product, Airpura P600 Air Purifier with TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidizer - CREAM Color completed with various features making it top product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Particle removal - 40 sq ft true HEPA (Measured 1 side only), 10 pleats per inch, Pleats warm rolled with separators
- UV Germicidal Lamp - 20 watts. 30,000 um per sec 2
- 40 sq ft HEPA filtration surface
- The Airpura Limited Warranty: 5 years parts and 10 years labor
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

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Product Description
Protect yourself with Airpura's Safe Efficient Filtration. The Airpura P600 offers the mo st effective airborne chemical, odor and VOC abatement available today together with supression of microorganisms and particle filtration. The Airpura P600 uses the latest discoveries in nano-technology, developed by space research laboratories, to deliver a new and speedy airborne chemical abatement process. The TitanClean Titanium Dioxide Photo-Catalytic Oxidizer dramatically increases the range of dangerous airborne chemicals that can be neutralized safely and effectively.TitanClean's titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating in conjunction with the UV light, creates an oxidizing process that instantly breaks molecular bonds and reduces airborne chemicals to smaller safer compounds, until only carbon dioxide and water vapor are left. The new TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidizer is combined with Airpura's 18lb Activated Carbon bed, true Hepa Filter and 20 watt UV Germicidal Lamp to deliver the most complete air cleaning system available today.
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