If you're searching for best recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Nordic Pure 18x24x4M14+C 18-Inch by 24-Inch-Inch by 4-Inch MERV 14-Inch Plus Carbon AC Furnace Air Filter, 6-Piece is our recommendation for you. There are many good feedbacks about this product, Nordic Pure 18x24x4M14+C 18-Inch by 24-Inch-Inch by 4-Inch MERV 14-Inch Plus Carbon AC Furnace Air Filter, 6-Piece completed with plenty of features making it the best product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Actual Size of Air Filter:17 1/2x23 3/8x3 5/8
- Odor absorbing activated carbon
- One convenient air filter - MERV 14 pleated plus activated carbon
- A simple solution for controlling both odors and dust particles
- Made in the USA
Price: $444.60
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with special discount. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Details |
Product Description
The MERV 14 Plus Carbon air filter is a convenient pleated air conditioner furnace filter that has been impregnated with activated carbon and will help to eliminate unwanted pet and home odors as well as reduce the dust in your home or office. with each pass through the pleated filter, the air in your living environment improves. Our high efficiency activated carbon filter will absorb hold odors from smoke, pets, garbage, bathrooms, litter boxes and cooking in the millions of microscopic carbon pores. Odorous gases and vapors (VOC) are attracted to and held by the activated carbon material. The MERV 14 electrostatic filters help trap airborne particles to protect your family from pollen, household dust, mold spores, and dust mites. The Nordic Pure anti-microbial media will not permit the growth of bacteria or mold, therefore, making your breathing environment healthier. It can be installed in practically any HVAC system without modifications. The Nordic Pure hypoallergenic pleated air filter has a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value(MERV) of 14 which means that it will collect more than 90-Percent of ALL microns of contaminants. Because of this high filtration and air flow restriction, heating and air conditioner systems should be checked to make sure they can handle filters rated MERV 14 and above. Nordic Pure air filters have an actual size that is a fraction of an-Inch smaller than the nominal size. with the 4 and 5 air filters there is a wide variance between the nominal size and actual size. Almost ALL filters have a different actual size than the nominal size printed on the filter so it is best if you measure your filter for the EXACT size and compare it to our "Actual Size. This is why we ask you to measure your filter so you aren't surprised if the filter doesn't fit! Our MERV 14 four or five-Inch air filter should be changed at least every 6 months depending on your environment.
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