If you're looking for best recommended product with discount price and better quality, then AllerAir 9175 Fume Extractor Industrial Air Scrubber is our recommendation. There are many positive opinions about this product, AllerAir 9175 Fume Extractor Industrial Air Scrubber completed with lots of features making it awesome product. If you need to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
A vital tool in workplace health and safety, this industrial air cleaner is designed to remove toxic fumes directly at the source. It features outstanding draw and superior filtration including a refillable 40 lb. carbon filter for chemicals and odor and HEPA and pre-filters for smoke and dust particles. A spark arrestor is also standard on this unit. 40 lbs. of custom carbon blend specifically designed to better treat the toxic chemicals, gases and odors associated with welding applications 2" deep HEPA filter captures respirable sized particles Dust collecting box and a 2" deep pre-filter, used for collect larger particles and extend the life of the main carbon and HEPA filters Includes a spark arrestor Wheels for easy portability Durable galvanized steel housing Intake control via a variable speed dial Flexible intake arms can be oriented for source capture Refillable carbon canister
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