If you are searching for best recommended product with discount price and better quality, then Can Filter 12" / 1260 CFM is our recommendation. There are many good feedbacks about this product, Can Filter 12" / 1260 CFM completed with various features making it the best product. If you need to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Length 16.5"
- Width 16.5"
- Height 60"
- Weight
- Quality constructed with heavy-duty galvanized steel, Can Filter activated carbon air purifiers are the ultimate line of defense in the battle against odor control. Can Filters can be mounted vertically or horizontally and come with poly pre-filter to prolong the life of the carbon. Integrated into your exhaust system, all the air that leaves your growing environment it totally and completely scrubbed before exiting. Standard size collars are ideal for use with Elicent in-line centrifuga...
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Product Description
Quality constructed with heavy-duty galvanized steel, Can Filter activated carbon air purifiers are the ultimate line of defense in the battle against odor control. Can Filters can be mounted vertically or horizontally and come with poly pre-filter to prolong the life of the carbon. Integrated into your exhaust system, all the air that leaves your growing environment it totally and completely scrubbed before exiting. Standard size collars are ideal for use with Elicent in-line centrifugal on fans. Select a fan within the Max/Min airflow range of each filter for professional temperature, humidity, and odor control.Depending on the temperature of your intake air and the number of heat producing H.I.D. lights in the room, the entire volume of air in the grow space will ideally be exchanged between one and five minutes. Calculate the fan size needed based on total cubic footage of your room and how fast you need the room to fully exchange air and choose filter size based on amount of exhaust needed. Elicent fans are 100% speed controllable, so by choosing a slightly larger fan and lowering the dimmer switch just a hair, you will be able to experience the maximum capacity of your filter.12" filter measures 150cm high and is rated for 630 and 1260 CFM.NOTE: This item can NOT be shipped via UPS; a special freight carrier is required. Average shipping cost varies, and you will be notified if additional shipping charges apply before processing.
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