If you're looking for great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then LA-2000S Electronic Air Cleaner - 120v,AC/60Hz/5 amps - Black Cabinet Finish is our recommendation. There are a lot of good feedbacks about this product, LA-2000S Electronic Air Cleaner - 120v,AC/60Hz/5 amps - Black Cabinet Finish completed with many features making it the best product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
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Product Details |
Product Description
mfr: LakeAir International, Inc. Model LA-2000S commercial and light industrial size model continues the LakeAir tradition of providing the best in air cleaning with contemporary style and versatility. Your customers will notice the difference and so will you as the LakeAir electronic air cleaner purifies your indoor air.
LakeAir's triple action filtering system works like a pollution magnet, trapping up to 97% of particles as small as one-millionth of one inch for a healthier business or industrial environment. Model LA-2000S can be used in bars, casinos, restaurants, meeting halls, bowling alleys, clubs or anywhere you desire clean, fresh air. The prefilter removes dust, hair, lint and larger dust particles. The electrostatic filter removes particles as small as 0.01 microns in size, such as tobacco smoke, fumes, dusts, mold spores and vapors. The optional activated charcoal after filter eliminates stubborn odors.
*This new electronic cell is lighter weight, making it easier to remove for cleaning and the dual cell design does not require special alignment!
Features and Benefits:
The LakeAir LA-2000S filtering system traps up to 97% of all airborne particles (even those as small as one-millionth of an inch) for a cleaner, healthier home or office. The LA-2000S filter removes smoke, bacteria, pollens and dust particles from the air as small as 0.01 microns. The optional activated carbon after filter eliminates even stubborn odors.
LakeAir units cost just pennies to run! This unit also reduces heating and air conditioning costs by eliminating the need to exhaust contaminated air and recondition replacement air. Another advantage is when dust and grime are removed from the air, costly electronic equipment like computers escape damage as well.
LakeAir units are simple to clean and maintain. Since the electrostatic
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