If you're looking for great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then Airpura P600 Plus Whole House Air Purifier, Black is our recommendation. There are a lot of good feedbacks about this product, Airpura P600 Plus Whole House Air Purifier, Black completed with many features making it the best product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Air Purification Unit for P600
- The Airpura 600-W air purification unit can be easily installed into your central air system
- Draws a portion of the main airflow as a by-pass, purifies it and returns the clean air into the system
- Even when your central air system is turned off the Airpura 600-W will continue to filter and distribute clean air throughout your home
- Eliminates vibration problems where separate fan is attached to a shaft with a set screw
Price: $1,271.40
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with special offer. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product Details |
Product Description
Air purification unit is available in your choice of different style options. The Airpura 600-W air purification unit can be easily installed into your central air system . Draws a portion of the main airflow as a by-pass, purifies it and returns the clean air into the system . Even when your central air system is turned off the Airpura 600-W will continue to filter and distribute clean air throughout your home . Eliminates vibration problems where separate fan is attached to a shaft with a set screw . Compact motor and fan design allows more space for filtration . Motor and electric parts out of the airflow . The pressure seal system on the filter chamber ensures that all the impurities pass through the filters . Other systems allow dirty air to escape and fail to acheive their promised HEPA rating of 99.97% filtration . Powdercoat steel housing . Robust construction . No plastic vapors . Easy change Pre-filter pads . Simply unclip the input pipe and replace the pre-filter pad . Absorbs airborne chemicals noxious gases and odors . True HEPA filter, traps 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns . Seal the filter chamber: No off gassing from rubber seals . Minimal assembly required . H600 . Particle Filtration . True Hepa filter . Hi-C carbon cloth filter . R600 . All purpose filtration . 18 lbs. Carbon filter, True Hepa filter . V600 . Specific Chemicals - VOCS . Enhanced Carbon filter, True Hepa filter . C600 . Airborne Chemicals . 26 lbs. Carbon filter . HepaBarrier filter . C600DLX . For heavy chemical abatement special VOCs . Airborne Chemicals . 26 lbs. Carbon filter . HepaBarrier filter . UV600 . Microorganisms . 18 lbs. Carbon filter . True Hepa filter . UV Lamp . P600 . Comprehensive Filtration . 18 lbs. Carbon filter . True Hepa filter
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