If you are looking for best recommended product with discount price and better quality, then Honeywell Quietcare HEPA Air Purifier (17000) - is our suggestion. There are many positive reviews about this product, Honeywell Quietcare HEPA Air Purifier (17000) - completed with plenty of features making it amazing product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
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Product Details |
Product Description
General Information
Manufacturer:Honeywell International, Inc
Manufacturer Part Number:17000
Manufacturer Website Address:www51.honeywell.com/honeywell/
Brand Name:Honeywell
Product Line:QuietCare
Product Model:17000
Product Name:Quietcare 17000 Air Purifier
Additional Information:
Air purifier with three speeds incorporates patented airflow technology with sound-reducing features for 30 percent quieter high speed operation. True HEPA filter offers a 99.97 percent minimum effectiveness at capturing airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns including dust, mold spores, pollen, cat dander and tobacco smoke. LifeTime permanent filter can be vacuumed. Carbon prefilter helps reduce odors and extend filter life. Air purifier covers a room up to 14' x 14'. QuietCare technology provides ultra quiet operation. Design also includes soft-touch electronic controls, indicator lights, a clean filter reminder and easy filter access for convenient replacement. Certified by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.
Packaged Quantity:1 Each
Product Type:Air Purifier
Technical Information
Purification Technology:HEPA
Maximum Coverage Area:168 Sq. ft.
Particle Removal Efficiency:99.97%
Particle Size:0"
AHAM Dust Rating:130 CADR
Buttons & Controls:
Soft-touch electronic three controls speeds
Status Indicators:
Speed indicator lights
Physical Characteristics
Weight (Approximate):14.00 lb
Application/Usage:Remove DustRemove Mold SporesRemove PollenRemove Pet DanderRemove SmokeRemove Bacteria
Certifications & Standards:CSA approved AHAM Certified
Recycled Content:0%
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