If you're searching for top recommended product with cheaper price and top quality, then PHRESH INTAKE FILTER 10" x 12" 701285 is our suggestion. There are a lot of great feedbacks about this product, PHRESH INTAKE FILTER 10" x 12" 701285 completed with many features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
Price: $152.95
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You can buy these product with special offer. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!
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Product Description
Keeps 99.9% of bugs, molds, pollen and dust from entering grow room. Use for intake filtering, scrubbing and low intensity exhaust filtering. Ultra light filters use advanced nano carbon felt technology. Patented pleating for massive surface area and high air flow. Maintains 90% of air flow. 100% Recyclable / Made from 90% recycled materials.
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