If you're searching for top recommended product with cheaper price and top quality, then Csonka Automotive AirCare Purifier Smoker Cloaker is our suggestion. There are a lot of great feedbacks about this product, Csonka Automotive AirCare Purifier Smoker Cloaker completed with many features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Does not meet California requirements; cannot be shipped to California.
- 100% Maintenance Free; Virtually Silent
- Compact and good looking to compliment every decor
- Extremely easy to use and simple to operate
- Guaranteed effective, so definitely worth trying one of many models
Price: $169.95
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can buy these product with special offer. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!
Product Information |
Product Description
The Csonka Automotive model is the most efficient and effective product for odor elimination in cars, campers, RVs, boats and all other locations that have access to a standard 12 volt DC outlet. It is wonderful for elimination of odors from all sources including: smoke, pets, chemicals and much more. The Automotive model's ozone output is more than adequate because when it's switched "ON", it will stay on continuously as long as there is power to the outlet. Its sleek style and easy to use design will surely be a source of relief in times of need. The Automotive model is available in a stealth black to compliment almost every dcor. It is compact in size, roughly 3" wide x 4-1/2"deep x less than 2" tall. Like all other Csonka AirCare Purifier Smoker Cloaker models, the Automotive unit is virtually silent in operation. No dissatisfied customers means no returned products, 100% guaranteed! So try an Automotive model, or any other Csonka model today .
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