If you're trying to find great recommended product with discount price and high quality, then MiracleAir Replacement Carbon/Potassium Permanganate Filter is our recommendation for you. There are many good feedbacks about this product, MiracleAir Replacement Carbon/Potassium Permanganate Filter completed with lots of features making it awesome product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
Price: $369.95
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You can purchase these product with special discount. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

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Product Description
Carbon/Potassium Permanganate Cartridge Replacement Air Filter for PM-400 Keep your Miracle Air PM-400 (not included) air purifier working to keep the air cleaner around you. The 15 pound* activated carbon and potassium permanganate cartridge air filter is the third stage filter of the Miracle Air PM-400 air purifier (not included). This air filter removes odors, gases, chemical, toxins and vapors (i.e. formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.). Carbon potassium permanganate air filters need to be inspected and replaced annually. Replace every 1 to 5 years depending on the environment where the Miracle Air PM-400 is used. *Each filter contains 12 pounds of activated carbon and 3 pounds of alumina potassium permanganate.
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