If you're looking for best recommended product with best price and better quality, then Blueair 503 HEPASilent Air Purifier is our recommendation for you. There are many positive opinions about this product, Blueair 503 HEPASilent Air Purifier completed with plenty of features making it great product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
Price: $751.00
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You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

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Product Description
Blueair is the system for people living with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions, or for anyone who wants cleaner, more breathable air. The 503 effectively purifies air in rooms as large as 580 square feet. Using patented two-stage HEPASilent technology, it captures 99.97% of the tiniest .1 micron particles, including allergy-provoking pollen grains, dust mites, mold spores and pet dander particles. The efficient Surround Air vent system delivers exceptional air exchange without annoying drafts. Easy maintenance: simply open the unit's lid, lift out and drop in filters every 6 months.
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