If you are trying to find top recommended product with lowest price and better quality, then Venta LW44G Plus Airwasher Humidifier in Gray - Venta Room Humidifiers is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of great opinions about this product, Venta LW44G Plus Airwasher Humidifier in Gray - Venta Room Humidifiers completed with lots of features making it awesome product. If you need to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Very hygienic. No bacteria-ridden filter pads. Water is the filter. Fresh every day. Cleans with a consistently high level of effectiveness, as water doesn't clog the way filter pads do.
- isible purifying performance. Pure water evaporates, leaving dirt trapped in the lower housing like salt in the sea.
- Easy maintenance. No filters to change or clean or cumbersome containers to fill. The simple design and convenient access to the lower housing allow for easy cleaning.
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with best deal. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!
Product Details |
Product Description
The Venta-Airwasher LW44 Plus is a highly efficient 2-in-1 humidifier and air purifier that requires no filters.
The Airwasher will help to reduce chapped lips, dry skin, stuffed up noses, sore throats and dried out eyes.
It also helps to protect wood furniture, wood floors and musical instruments from drying out. The most diff-
icult air to purify is dry air as pollutants in a dry state are very light and unstable easily becoming airborne.
Venta Airwasher technology is unique
The Venta Airwasher is the first appliance for homes and offices using the principle of air washing without
filter pads.
The Venta Airwasher works hygienically and is easy to clean. There are no filter pads to dispose of when dirty.
The appliances are ingeniously simple and sturdy in design, giving them a very long service life.
The Venta Airwasher works on the principle of cold evaporation, which is widely recognized as the best method.
The cold evaporation technology eliminates the release of any particles into the ambient air:
no lime deposits and no cartridges
no ultrasonic spraying, no vaporization and no overhumidifying
Indoor air is automatically humidified to the correct percentage.
The brilliantly simple technology makes it possible to add Venta Fragrances without impairing the cleaning or
humidifying function of the appliance.
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