If you are trying to find top recommended product with cheaper price and top quality, then FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Enhanced Whole-House Air Cleaner - 1,600 CFM is our recommendation for you. There are many good feedbacks about this product, FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Enhanced Whole-House Air Cleaner - 1,600 CFM completed with various features making it amazing product. If you need to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
Honeywell FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Enhanced Whole-House Air Cleaner - 1,600 CFM For incredibly high filtration performance combined with fantastic efficiency, Honeywell's TrueCLEAN air cleaners exceed expectations. TrueCLEAN air cleaners use a unique three stage process to attract and destroy air contaminants in your central air system. A minimum efficiency of MERV 15 means that any homeowner can rest easy knowing that the air they breathe is free of viruses, bacteria, mold spores and a variety of other contaminants common in domestic zones. Honeywell FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Air Cleaner Features: High Performance Central Air Filtration Unique Three Stage Process Destroys Indoor Air Contaminants Kills Viruses, Bacteria, Mold Spores and More Honeywell FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Air Cleaner Additional Features: MERV 15 Filtration Wide Variety of Sizes Exceptional Honeywell Quality Standards Honeywell FH8000F1625 TrueCLEAN Air Cleaner Warranty Information: Parts Warranty: 2
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