If you are looking for great recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Active Air 20"x16" Carbon Filter - No Flange is our suggestion. There are many good reviews about this product, Active Air 20"x16" Carbon Filter - No Flange completed with lots of features making it great product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
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You can buy these product with best deal. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product Details |
Product Description
Active Air filters offer features and performance that rival the competition, all at a value price. All filters are maintenance free and feature long-lasting activated virgin charcoal that keeps your air
Corrosion-resistant galvanized steelChangeable Velcro pre-filter to collect dust and airborne particlesShrink wrap to protect the charcoal and keep the filter cleanHigh grade activated charcoal to guarantee maximum odor controlLarge surface areas and 2.5" thick carbon bed results in optimum odor control and maximum efficiencyNo maintenance requiredCharcoal is carefully packed to insure a consistent and even air flow throughout the carbon bed for a full usage of the filter and its durabilityBoxed in protective corrugated cardboardRecommended airflow:
200 CFM minimum
400 CFM maximum
Complete your filter setup with one of our flanges and replacement pre-filters, or try a combo pack!
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