If you are trying to find best recommended product with cheaper price and high quality, then 600ho3uv Commercial Air Purifier with UV Light and it comes with 3 yrs warranty is our suggestion. There are a lot of good reviews about this product, 600ho3uv Commercial Air Purifier with UV Light and it comes with 3 yrs warranty completed with plenty of features making it top product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Compact and Portable Size, 3 yrs warranty
- Low energy consumption, low maintenance
- With high quality aluminum housing construction
- Timer has "HOLD" function for longer sanitation
- Dial to control output level
Price: $600.00
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with best price. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

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Product Description
With the Atlas 600HO3UV there is no need to saturate the air with strong fragrances, which many guests guests might find questionable. Simply close the area to be treated and let the unit do its work. The 600ho3uv Comes with a 3 years factory warranty!The 600HO3UV will oxidize unwanted odors. It generates o3 which disburses into the space to be treated.4000-5000 Sqft. range , great for Ozone Shock Treatment.Excellent machine for a commercial space because it is easy to move with the built in handle and rugged metal design. Light enough to carry, strong enough to clear 4000-5000 sqft.SHIPS FROM CA, UNITED STATES
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