If you are looking for best recommended product with best price and top quality, then Indoor Grow Air Purifier Activated Charcoal Filter 12"x 30" is our suggestion. There are many positive reviews about this product, Indoor Grow Air Purifier Activated Charcoal Filter 12"x 30" completed with various features making it great product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- More efficient to eliminate odors and filter particulates with our air filter including more activated carbon!!
- 12" Flange, Activated Carbon Charcoal Filter
- Maintenance Free Design, Safe and Effective Operation
- Cotton Filter Pad , Pre-filter Included
- 18 month life expectancy , Easy to Assemble
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You can buy these product with special offer. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product Details |
Product Description
Constructed with 72mm thick carbon layer, our 12" Flange Carbon Air Filter can effectively eliminate odors, filter particulates and purify the air to provide both you and your plants with clean and fresh environment if in conjunct use with 12" blower. Instead of leaving the bottom section unused and wasted, it utilizes 100% of the carbon element.So if you are suffering from stale air condition and tired of gardening with organic fertilizer, sprays, odor gels or even incense, this real activated carbon filter is surely your optimal choice with 18 month life expectancy of continuous use!New Arrival 12" Flange Carbon Air Filter with 72mm Thick Carbon Layer for Hydroponics!!More efficient to eliminate odors and filter particulates with our air filter including more activated carbon!!Features:12" Flange Activated Carbon Charcoal Filter Maintenance Free Design Safe and Effective Operation Cotton Filter Pad Pre-filter IncludedPackage Content: 1 x 12" Carbon Filter
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