If you are searching for best recommended product with discount price and top quality, then Airgle AG950 PurePal MultiGas HEPA Carbon Air Purifier is our recommendation. There are many positive opinions about this product, Airgle AG950 PurePal MultiGas HEPA Carbon Air Purifier completed with various features making it amazing product. If you need to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.
- Great coverage for larger homes and areas
- Safety features to prevent electrical overloads
- Energy Star qualified to operate with minimal energy costs
- Timer makes turning of the unit easy even when no one's around
- Sealed contruction allows no unpurified air to pass through the unit
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You can buy these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product Information |
Product Description
Designed specifically to aid those suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, the Airgle AG950 PurePal MultiGas HEPA & carbon air purifier is the best way to provide pollutant-free air to the home. Keeping the family happy and healthy is a breeze with this product.
Simple To Operate
An air purification system has never been more easy! Along with a remote control, the unit is equipped with an LCD console. Not only does it have 5 different fan speeds, it continuously monitors the air quality and filter life. The filters are easy to replace so you can spend your time enjoying the fresh air.
cHEPA Filter
The Airgle AG950 PurePal MultiGas is a HEPA air purifier that takes it to the next level. Utilizing a special cHEPA filter, this unit will deliver air over 60% cleaner than normal HEPA filters. This filter is created to trap fine particles of dust, pollen and mold that others wouldn't.
Carbon Filter
Composed of 15 pounds of a premium carbon blend, this room air purifier will stop odors in thier tracks. Not only will it eliminate odor causing particles, it also removes volatile organic compounds from the air.
Quiet Operation
Nothing ruins a night like a noisy machine. That's why the Airgle AG950 PurePal MultiGas line of air purifiers were manufactured to be both energy efficient and noiseless. Everything from the filters to the motors work efficiently to eliminate noise. The unit is also eqipped with a night mode that dims the light of the LCD panel.
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