If you are looking for best recommended product with cheaper price and high quality, then IQAir HealthPro Air Cleaner is our recommendation. There are many good opinions about this product, IQAir HealthPro Air Cleaner completed with lots of features making it the best product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
Product Features Size: IQAir HealthPro Air Cleaner Incorporates H12/13 class certified HEPA filter, normally used in multi-million dollar cleanrooms. IQAir systems remove particles down to 0.01 microns with close to 99% efficiency. Digital Controls : Integrated timer, remote control, filter life indicator, and 6 fan speeds. 1100 sq ft coverage area (based on maximum fan speed and an 8.5 ft ceiling). Product Description The HealthPro features the same advanced micro- and nano-particle filter technologies as the HealthPro Plus, however without the gas and odor filter (V-5 Cell). The HealthPro effectively removes every type of particulate air pollutants, including all common allergens. The system has a spare compartment that can at any time be upgraded with a the V-5 Cell (wide-spectrum gas and molecular filter) to help eliminate gaseous chemicals and odors. This makes the HealthPro the ideal choice for allergy sufferers and other health-conscious individuals that need ultra high-efficiency particle removal with the option of later adding gas and odor removal.
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