If you're trying to find top recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Therapure TPP250 Permanent HEPA type Air Purifier is our recommendation. There are many good reviews about this product, Therapure TPP250 Permanent HEPA type Air Purifier completed with plenty of features making it great product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
- Cadr (clean air delivery rate): 167 smoke ? 170 dust ? 184 pollen
- Patented hemi-spheric hepa type filter removes allergens, dust mites, pollen, cigarette smoke, mold spore, odors, pet hair and dander
- Uv germicidal light kills airborne bacteria and germs
- Removes harmful vocs which are found in paint and carpet fumes
- Ionizer with on/off button (instantly revitalizes the air)
Price: $199.95
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You can buy these product with special offer. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Information |
Product Description
The therapure tpp250 is envion's most powerful tower model air purifier. patented hemi-spheric hepa type filter removes smoke, pollen and dust, the uv germicidal light kills airborne bacteria and germs and the photo catalyst filter reduces harmful toxic paint, carpet fumes and other household chemicals. includes an ionizer with separate on/off button, 3-speed fan, uv/voc on/off button, 24 hour timer, clean filter indicator and easy to read digital display. no costly filters to replace. energy star certified. for large sized rooms.
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