If you're searching for top recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Airpura Industries UV600 Air Purifier 20 Watt UV Lamp Sterilizes Microbes is our recommendation for you. There are many positive reviews about this product, Airpura Industries UV600 Air Purifier 20 Watt UV Lamp Sterilizes Microbes completed with various features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- 3 levels of protection: HEPA filters, Carbon filters, and UV lamps
- Protects agains bacteria and microbiological contaminants
- True HEPA filter removes 99.97% of particulates
- Effective for large areas for up to 2000 square feet
- 18 lbs of Activated Carbon absorbs chemicals and gases
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Product Details |
Product Description
Peer-reviewed studies have shown that both short-term and long-term exposure to poor indoor air can lead to respiratory problems such as runny noses, watery eyes, exacerbated allergies and asthma symptoms, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that indoor air can be many times worse than the air we breathe outdoors.
Thankfully, the Airpura UV600 (Cream) can help clean your indoor air with its superior, all-in-one air purification technology. By combining the air filtration efficiency of True HEPA and Carbon Filters, the UV600 (Cream) is unique in that it also harnesses the extremely powerful, high sterilization power of a 20 watt germicidal bulb to eliminate airborne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, microbes, and germs.
To destroy the DNA of antigens and pathogens, the UV lamp provides the dose needed to eliminate these pollutants from the air you breathe. Unlike other UV air purifiers which place the UV lamp in the airflow away from the filters (which allow for microbes to escape back into the air), the UV600?s (Cream) lamp is situated in the filter chamber to kill microorganisms as they are trapped by the filters.
With the ability to purify the air in large areas up to 2000 square feet, the UV600 is perfect for homes, offices, and medical facilities such as dentists? and doctors? offices. The 560 CFM UV600 also has many advanced features such as a variable speed motor and four other filtration methods consisting of Pre-filters, Micro-Suppress filters, HEPA filters, and Carbon filters. The pre-filters can be vacuumed through the mesh or changed as necessary, and the Micro-Suppress filters around the carbon bed suppress any microorganisms in the air. Forty square feet of True HEPA has the ability to trap 99.97% of particles, and 18 lbs of activated carbon provides effective fume, odor, gas, and chemical control.
Long-lasting filters (2 years for the carbon filters, 5 years for the HEP
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