If you're looking for top recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then Air Fino (Japan Import) is our recommendation. There are a lot of great reviews about this product, Air Fino (Japan Import) completed with various features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
- [Object space] A hotel, a hospital, welfare facilities, nursery school, etc.
- Design: Deferment and a wall tapestry, and either can be installed by the design which harmonizes with any space.
- Child-protector function: Prevention functions, such as a mischief, are carried by a child
- Easy maintenance: A specialized tool is an unnecessary easy maintenance design entirely.
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Product Details |
Product Description
A name of article/?? Amount of 40 ozone evolution 2.5 / 5/10/20 / air fino / VS-amount [ of 0.63 m ] of 40 mg/h (five-step switching) winds 3/min Power-supply-voltage AC100V 50 / 60 Hz Power consumption 6W outside dimension 251(W) x82.5(D) x250.2(H) mm weight About 1.2 kg 0~40 ? of category temperature ranges recommendation application width disinfection: -- a maximum of 20 m2 and deodorization: -- a maximum of 120 m2
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